good antioxidant中文什么意思

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  1. Fortifying , strengthening , refreshing . a good antioxidant and anti - inflammatory . beneficial for oily and mature skin
  2. Yes , they can keep air off the skin to some extent , but that ' s what a good antioxidant is supposed to do ; they don ' t suffocate skin
  3. Vitamin c also known as ascorbic acid , and it is a good antioxidant . it is water - soluble , therefore not store in our body system , and for best effect daily in take is recommended
    维他命c属水溶性维生素,因为呈酸性可预防坏血病,所以,又称为"抗坏血酸" ascorbic acid 。
  4. Now , manufacturers have touted antioxidant supplements as a means for athletes to perform better , recovery more quickly and fully from vigorous exercise , or allow them to train more strenuously . in fact , there are lots of good antioxidant medicines in markets , but the overall role of which is not clear . some speacialist suggested that to make the different medicine act as then " responding position is to be done for researchers
    目前,市场上注明具有抗氧化抗疲劳的保健品或者中药很多,也的确有不少真正的好药,而对这些产品开展进一步的实验(包括动物实验和人体实验)是必要的,使这些药能够对号入座, (确定哪些药适合有氧运动,哪些药适合无氧运动,哪些药适合持续训练,哪些药更适合间歇训练。


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